**Infinite WP**
Z jediného administračního rozhraní spravujete libovolný počet webů, které mohou být umístěny na jiných webserverech, než administrační rozhraní. Vyžaduje ale safe_mode OFF, což ne každý hosting podporuje.
Na klientských webech je třeba před přidáním do administrace nainstalovat „klientský plugin IWP“:http://wordpress.org/plugins/iwp-client/.
Pak už jen monitorujete, zálohujete/obnovujete, aktualizujete, přidáváte příspěvky. Vše pohodlně z jediného místa.
**WP Remote**
WP Remote provides a single place to monitor and update all of your WordPress sites. It handles updates to installed plugins and themes remotely via the WP Remote website and provides quick access to core updates. It can also create full off-site backups.
It is a tool for managing site version updates and backups; you cannot make any kind of editorial changes such as updates to site content, users, settings etc. It does not currently create automatic backups although this is planned.
It consists of two parts, a website interface allowing you to log in and manage all of your sites and a plugin that is installed on each site. The plugin installation can be done via the WP Remote website and it is aimed at developers and users with multiple WordPress sites.
*Track all your sites*
There is no limit to the number of sites you can add to WP Remote, sites can be organised into groups and quickly searched.
*Keep up to date*
Core WordPress updates. Plugin Updates. Theme Updates.
*Daily backups*
Your whole site is backed up once per day, backup files are stored on Amazon S3.
*ithemes sync*
Manage updates (and more) for your WordPress sites all in one place. Manage 10 sites, 5 plugins, 2 themes for free!
*Main WP*
Manage WP sites from one central location! Much more than just updates, get nearly complete control of all your sites from your self-hosted Dashboard.