Úprava hlavičky e-mailu odesílaného WordPressem

Změna z “WordPress” na “Můj web/Moje jméno”

/—code php
function website_email() {
$sender_email= ‚Your email here‘;
return $sender_email;
function website_name(){
$site_name = ‚Your site name here‘;
return $site_name;


Výměna e-mailu za stažení souboru

**Email Before Download**

Email Before Download presents your users with a form where they submit information, like their name and email address, prior to receiving a download.

This plugin integrates with the popular Contact Form 7 and WordPress Download Monitor plugins, allowing you to create any form you like and manage/monitor your file downloads.

!!! Můžou zmizet náhledové obrázky, zde „workaround“:https://wordpress.org/support/topic/featured-image-disappears-1

/—code php
// Around line 182 of wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/includes/class-wp-dlm.php, after this:
$current_support = get_theme_support( ‚post-thumbnails‘ );
// Put this:
if(is_array($current_support[0])) $current_support = $current_support[0];
// Then the code should be like this:
$current_support = get_theme_support( ‚post-thumbnails‘ );
if(is_array($current_support[0])) $current_support = $current_support[0];

„Remove *The link to the file(s) has been e-mailed to you* »“:https://wordpress.org/support/topic/remove-the-link-to-the-files-has-been-e-mailed-to-you

„Custom Sender for Email Before Download »“:https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-sender-for-email-before-download/

Ochrana e-mailu před roboty


No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by converting them using javascript or UNICODE. You can choose to add a mailto-link to all unlinked email adresses with only one klick at the settings.


There is also a core WordPress function for it: antispambot().
The usage of the function is pretty simple:

/—code php


But you can’t use PHP in your content (unless you’re using a plugin for that purpose). To use this function in your content, you can utilize a cool little shortcode like the one below. By using the shortcode above, you can cloak email addresses anywhere in your posts.

/—code php

), $atts ) );
return antispambot( $email );
add_shortcode( ‚antispambot‘, ‚antispambot_sc‘ );
// Usage: [antispambot email=“my.cloaked.email.address@gmail.com“]



/—code php
function cwc_mail_shortcode( $atts , $content=null ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($content); $i++) $encodedmail .= "&#" . ord($content[$i]) . ';'; return '‚.$encodedmail.‘‚;
add_shortcode(‚mailto‘, ‚cwc_mail_shortcode‘);

Použití shortcode:


Jak vytvořit a přidat vlastní shortcodes

**Zakódování e-mailové adresy**

/—code php
function cwc_mail_shortcode( $atts , $content=null ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($content); $i++) $encodedmail .= "&#" . ord($content[$i]) . ';'; return '‚.$encodedmail.‘‚;
add_shortcode(‚mailto‘, ‚cwc_mail_shortcode‘);

Použití shortcode:


**Obsah pouze pro přihlášené uživatele**

/—code php
function cwc_member_check_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null( $content ) && !is_feed() )
return $content;
return “;

add_shortcode( ‚member‘, ‚cwc_member_check_shortcode‘ );

Použití shortcode:

[member]This text will be only displayed to registered users.[/member]

**Zobrazení PDF v iframe**

/—code php
function cwc_viewpdf($attr, $url) {
return ‚‚;
add_shortcode(‚embedpdf‘, ‚cwc_viewpdf‘);

**Použití shortcode**

/—code php
[embedpdf width=“600px“ height=“500px“]http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf[/embedpdf]

**Volání shortcode v šabloně (mimo editor)**

/—code php
echo do_shortcode(‚[jmeno_shortcode]‘);

viz „dokumentace“:http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_shortcode.

**Znepřístupnění shortcodes**

There might be some cases that you need the shortcodes of the text to be omitted. When that time comes, strip_shortcodes() is your friend.

Let’s say that you need to strip shortcodes in the homepage but let them run in other content pages:

/—code php


„Jak vytvořit vlastní shortcode (musilda.cz) »“:http://musilda.cz/jak-vytvorit-vlastni-shortcode/
„10 super useful WordPress shortcodes »“:http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/10-super-useful-wordpress-shortcodes
„Mastering WordPress shortcodes »“:http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2009/02/02/mastering-wordpress-shortcodes/
„8 fun & useful shortcode functions for WordPress »“:http://blue-anvil.com/archives/8-fun-useful-shortcode-functions-for-wordpress/

Newslettery a zasílání upoutávek na nové příspěvky na e-mail


Subscribe2 provides a comprehensive subscription management and email notification system for WordPress blogs that sends email notifications to a list of subscribers when you publish new content to your blog.

Email Notifications can be sent on a per-post basis or periodically in a Digest email. Additionally, certain categories can be excluded from inclusion in the notification and posts can be excluded on an individual basis by setting a custom field.

The plugin also handles subscription requests allowing users to publically subscribe (Public Subscribers) by submitting their email address in an easy to use form or to register with your blog (Registered Users) which enables greater flexibility over the email content for per-post notifications for the subscriber. Admins are given control over the presentation of the email notifications, can bulk manage subscriptions for users and manually send email notices to subscribers.

The format of the email can also be customised for per-post notifications, subscribe2 can generate emails for each of the following formats:

– plaintext excerpt
– plaintext full post (Registered Users only)
– HTML full post (Registered Users only)

If you want to send HTML emails to Public Subscribers too then upgrade to „Subscribe2 HTML“:http://wpplugins.com/plugin/46/subscribe2-html.

K *Subscribe2* se hodí **Subscribe2 widget**

Widget show Subscribe2 bar in any sidebar.


**Mailpoet (former Wysija) Newsletters**

Create newsletters, post notifications and autoresponders. Drop your posts, images, social icons in your newsletter. Change fonts and colors on the fly. Manage all your subscribers. A new and simple newsletter solution for WordPress. Finally!
Do 2 000 subskribentů zdarma.


„GC MailPoet EX“:https://wordpress.org/plugins/gc-mailpoet-ex/
An easy to use extension that allows you to convert your visitors to email subscribers with 1-click. Power up your GC Message Bar and GC Message Box plugins with this simple email subscription extension and generate leads into your email lists.

„GC Message Bar“:https://wordpress.org/plugins/gc-message-bar/
An easy to use plugin that allows you to place a sticky message and a Call To Action button to the top or bottom of your website

**Email Alerts**

Allows users to configure whether they wish to be alerted when a comment is added, comment held, post posted.
Adds three checkboxes to the WordPress profile page allowing to setup notifications for these events.

**Post Notification**

With each new post an email is sent to every registered User in the Database.

– **Subscribers can choose categories**.
– Mails can be sent as HTML or text.
– If you send text mails, the post is formated.
– Double Opt-in
– Every recipient gets his personal mail, with a link to change his subscribed categories or to unsubscribe.
– Nervous Finger option (Mail isn’t sent right away – so you still have time to change things once you posted.)
– You can decide how many mails are sent in a burst and how long to pause between bursts.
– Decide on a per post basis whether to send a mail, or not, or just use the default.
– Captchas
– Integrates into almost any theme without tweaks.
– Possibility to adjust mails with userfunctions


SoloMail is a WordPress plugin designed to email an HTML-formatted copy of a single post to site subscribers or a mailing list. There are quite a few solutions out there designed to send batch digests of recent posts to subscribers on a scheduled basis. SoloMail solves a different problem – you may want to cherry pick just certain posts to go out via email, and you may want the ability to „send now.“

The subscriber list can EITHER be the group of all registered users on a site OR a single address, such as a mailing list. Though you can use SoloMail either way, I recommend sending through a proper mailing list, which provides advantages such as handling and unsubscribing bounced/dead addresses, and metered sending for large lists.


Sends periodic email notifications of new WordPress blog entries (in either plain text or HTML mode) to a separate subscribers mailing list. Maintains cache file recording ID of last-sent post. On subsequent runs, sends all posts created since the previous run.
The first time WP-Digest is run, it operates on the last n entries made in your blog. After the first run, it will save the ID of your last blog entry in a cache file. On subsequent runs, it will operate on however many entries have been made since the previous run. You can manually control the value of n by changing $MinPosts in conf.php.

**Newsletter subscription optin module**

This plugin enables you to create simple forms for subscription to your newsletter. It includes a sidebar **widget** with customizable fields (up to 15) to gather from your users all the information you need for your email marketing campaigns. Users can also use the form to unsubscribe.


This plug-in lets you collect subscribers on your blog with a single or double opt-in subscription process. Double opt-in is law compliant and it means the user has to confirm the subscription following simple standard instructions sent to him via email.
– Subscription form and profile form are easily configurable from administrative panels and you can translate every single label in your language.
– Create e-mails with a visual editor with the auto compose function which extract content for your blog. Auto composer themes can be customized.
– Use the **widget** to let users to subscribe from anywhere in your blog or use a short code to embed the subscription form on posts and pages.
– Create and manage mailing lists.

*Popup Extension for Newsletter*

Adds a subscription popup with few options to set how it should show. The subscription form is exactly the same form you embed on a page or shows with the Newsletter widget.

**“MailChimp“:http://www.mailchimp.com/** is highly popular emailing system. They also have a free plan. You can send up to **3,000 emails per month**, and **store up to 500 email addresses** – so if you have a small to medium sized list going, this would be a great option. Or, if you have a larger list, you can pick the paid plan that’s right for you.

MailChimp released „MailChimp List Subscribe Form plugin“:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mailchimp/ to work directly with its generous services. It’s a very sleek, simple sidebar widget that can be customized stylistically (altering the color and the verbiage), as well as the content included. Users can select from a drop-down menu of topics that interest them, which will give you extra information about your reader base. You can also offer multiple lists right from the WordPress dashboard, allowing you to give your readers interest-specific information that you’re sure they’ll be interested in.

**“Create Beautiful Optin Forms With Ease!“:https://wordpress.org/plugins/optin-forms/**
Optin Forms allows you to create stunning optin forms for your blog or website, without the need to know any HTML or CSS. Pick a form design and customize its appearance. Add your form to your posts and pages with a simple mouse-click, or use a shortcode to add it to specific posts and pages. Optin Forms works with MaiChimp-

**ALO EasyMail Newsletter**

ALO EasyMail Newsletter is a plugin for WordPress that allows to write and send newsletters, and to gather and manage the subscribers. It supports internationalization and multilanguage. Features: collect subcribers on registration or with an ajax widget, mailing lists, cron batch sending.

– Write and send html/text newsletters, simple like writing posts.
– Select the recipients to send to: registered users, subscribers, mailing lists
– Batch sending using WP cron system: it sends a number of emails every 10 minutes, until all recipients have been included
– Collect subscribers: on registration form and with an ajax widget/page
– Import/export subscribers: import from existing registered users or from a CSV file
– Create and manage mailing lists: only admin can assign subscribers to them, or subscribers can freely choose them
– Manage subscribers: search, delete, edit subscription to mailing lists
– View sending report: how many subscribers have opened the newsletter
– Bounce management: the bounced email addresses are automatically unsubscribed
– Multilanguage: set all texts and options, you can write multilanguage newsletters – full integration with qTranslate, WPML, Polylang

**Newsletter Sign-up**

„Konfigurace »“:http://dannyvankooten.com/571/configuring-newsletter-sign-up-the-definitive-guide/

This plugin will definitely help you build or boost your mailinglist. It provides various ways to let your visitors sign-up to your newsletter, for example by adding a ‘sign-up to my newsletter’ checkbox to your comment form or by offering a sign-up form which you can include in your posts or use as a widget.

Spolupracuje s externími maillistovými službami, např. s „MailChimp“:http://mailchimp.com/.

**Ajax Newsletter**

„komentáře k úpravám“:http://www.separatista.net/forum/topic.php?id=537


– Style your html and plain text mails with dedicated themes and templates.
– Double opt-in subscription.
– Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and even to Mailing lists.
– Newsletters/Post notifications on a per post, daily, weekly, monthly basis.
– Optional: full control on all mails sent by WordPress.

**WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin**

With WP Autoresponder you can create email newsletters, follow up autoresponders and provide subscription to blog via e-mail.
With this plugin you can create:

– Create unlimited number of newsletter lists
– Create followup email responses that can be schedueld to go out after a specific number of days since the subscriber subscribes.
– Add subcription forms to your sidebar using widgets.
– Provide email subscriptions to your blog without using third party services like Feedburner
– Generate subscription forms and then use them on your website anywhere.
– Collect more information about your subscribers by generating custom fields for your subscription forms.
– Schedule e-mail broadcasts to your email newsletters in text/html. You can even send the broadcast to specific sections of your newsletter by selecting them using the custom fields.
– Provide email subscription to specific categories in your blog
– Import your subscribers from Feedburner and Aweber.
– Define rules to unsubscribe users from one newsletter if they subscribe to another newsletter.


Mimo jiné: Email subscriptions for your blog’s posts and your post’s comments.

**Email newsletter**

Email newsletter plugin have option to send HTML Mails/Newsletters to registered user, Comment author, Subscriber and Users who contacted you.

– Option to setup email subscription box and option to send email newsletter to subscriber
– Option to setup unsubscribe link in newsletter
– Option to Export and Import email address
– Automatic welcome email to new subscriber
– Double Opt In

**Easy Automatic Newsletter Lite**

The easy-to-use WordPress plug-in that recycles your blog posts into a newsletter and sends it out automatically! Take a month’s worth of blog posts and format it into a clean e-mail newsletter and send it out to your subscribers.

**Newsletter Manager**

Create and send html, plain text or multipart email newsletters to your subscribers.

– Double opt-in form (html, shortcode and widget) with redirection options
– Unlimited email addresses with import/export options
– Plain text/HTML/Multipart messages
– Personalize email messages using name field
– SMTP sending to reduce spam
– Automate email sending with cron job
– Send mails in batches with support for hourly limits
– Autoresponder on subscription
– Plugin allows **only one default list**

„How To Add A Newsletter Signup Widget To The End Of Your WordPress Blog Posts »“:http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-add-a-newsletter-signup-widget-to-the-end-of-your-wordpress-blog-posts?utm_source=Elegant+Themes

**YITH Newsletter Popup**

A simple to configure plugin that is really useful for your website. It shows a clean design popup where you can insert images, messages and a newsletter form. „Demo »“:http://plugins.yithemes.com/yith-newsletter-popup/