Automatické prolinkování a související příspěvky

**SEO Auto Links & Related Posts**

*Auto Links*

Auto create internal link to posts related to the current post base on Meta Keywords and Post Tags. Authority sites like Wikipedia always have a lot of internal link, and this feature will automatically help you getting the same results.

*Related Posts with 8 layout & style*

Displaying related posts based on the Content of articles, Post Tags and Meta Keywords. This feature is useful to improve internal links and to keep visitors stay on your site.

*Slide Out Related Posts with 6 theme color*

It is a sliding box, with related/recent posts in it, that will automatically appeared at the lower right corner when user scroll down and reach the end of article. It will grab visitors attention right after they finish reading your article, and giving them more options about what to do next. The impact is a longer visitors time spent on your site.

*Cache All Results and Thumbnail*

Visitors and Google likes fast loading websites. That’s why we use a persistent cache to store all results from auto links, related posts, slide out and thumbnail to get a better loading time and save server resources. All requests will be served from the cache, except on the first request.

*Custom Auto Link to Affiliate Products*

Manually adding a couple of keywords and links for the auto link. You can use this feature to automatically create a link to a trusted site for better SEO results or to affiliate products to earn additional profit.