**UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration**
Simplifies backups (and restoration). Backup into the cloud (Amazon S3 (or compatible), Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud, DreamObjects, FTP, SFTP, SCP, WebDAV, OpenStack Swift and email) and restore with a single click. Backups of files and database can have separate schedules.
UpdraftPlus is the highest-ranking backup plugin on rankwp.com (ranks in the top 40 out of 30,000 WordPress plugins for quality on rankwp.com – last checked 21 September 2014).
Widely tested and reliable (over 1.8 million downloads). Ranks in the top 100 most used of all WordPress plugins on rankwp.com. Millions of backups completed!
**XCloner – Backup and Restore**
XCloner is a Backup and Restore component designed for PHP/Mysql websites, it can work as a native plugin for WordPress and Joomla!.
XCloner design was specifically created to Generate custom backups of any LAMP website through custom admin inputs, and to be able to Restore the clone on any other location with the help of the automatic Restore script we provide, independent from the main package!
XCloner Backup tool uses Open Source standards like TAR and Mysql formats so you can rest assured your backups can be restored in a variety of ways, giving you more flexibility and full control.
XCloner Generate, Move and Restore process:
1. Generate and Store the backups
2. Move the backup and restore script to the new location
3. Restore the backup by launching the XCloner.php restore script
The Duplicator plugin is designed to give WordPress Administrators the ability to migrate a site from one location to another location in 3 easy steps. Just create a package, download it and install. No need to change all your settings and re-run import/export scripts. The plugin also serves as a simple backup utility.
This tool is great for pulling a production site down onto your local machine for testing and validation. It also works great for developing locally and then pushing up to a production server.
It reduces the process to three easy steps:
1. Create a package
2. Download
3. Install in the new location
**EZPZ One Click Backup**
EZPZ One Click Backup is a very easy way to do a complete backup and restoring of your entire WordPress site. In fact it’s so easy to use there are no required user settings, everything is automatic. Just one click and presto, you’ll have a complete backup stored on your server. One more click and you can download the entire backup to your own computer.
If you prefer to download your backup via FTP the path you’ll need is also included. EZPZ OCB also stores your last backup on the server in case you ever need to download it again.
With the new EZPZ Easy Restore restoring your site is a simple two step process.
Simple automated backups of your WordPress powered website. BackUpWordPress will back up your entire site including your database and all your files.
**WordPress Database Backup**
(Pouze) databázi lze zazálohovat manuálně uložením na server, vlastní počítač nebo posláním na email, ev. automaticky ve zvoleném intervalu.
Backup, restore, migrate your WP installation, both code and MySQL tables, with a single click.
**WP Staging – DB & File Duplicator & Migration**
This duplicator plugin allows you to create an staging or development environment in seconds.
It creates a file clone of your website into a subfolder of your current WordPress installation with an entire copy of your database. This sounds pretty simple and yes it is! All the hard time consumptive database and file copy stuff including url replacements is done in the background. For testing new plugins and updates first before installing them on live website.