Vylepšení integrované galerie

**Cleaner Gallery**

Improving of the invalid HTML that WordPress produces when using the shortcode.
It does a bit more than that though. It will integrate with many Lightbox-type scripts and allow you to do much cooler things with your galleries. Plus, it has a couple of extra options that you can play around with.

– Validates the aweful HTML that WordPress spits out.
– Several options on how you want your gallery images.
– Allows multiple galleries in a single post.
– Ability to set the number of images shown in each gallery.
– Ability to exclude or include any images from your gallery.
– Doesn’t load any CSS or JavaScript unless you choose to do so.

Integrates with 18 different Lightbox-type scripts (Lightbox, Slimbox, Thickbox, Greybox, FancyBox etc.)

„Úprava CSS“:http://wordpress.org/support/topic/edit-gallery-margins. A „další rozumy zde“:http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-style-gallery.