Údržbový mód

**WP Maintenance Mode**

Adds a maintenance-page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is down for maintenancetime. User with rights for theme-options get full access to the blog including the frontend. Activate the plugin and your blog is in maintenance-mode, works and see the frontend, only registered users with enough rights. You can use a date with a countdown for informations the visitors or set a value and unit for infomrations. Also you can add urls for exlude of maintenance mode.

You can add your own html and stylesheet and add the url of this style to the options of the plugin.

**Maintenance Mode Without Plugin**

/—code php
function wp_maintenance_mode(){
if(!current_user_can(‚edit_themes‘) || !is_user_logged_in()){

Chystá se.

Zkuste to později.‘);
add_action(‚get_header‘, ‚wp_maintenance_mode‘);