Widgety na nástěnce v administraci

**Dashboard Widget Sidebar**

This plugin adds a new widget area to the Appearance -> Widgets section in WordPress admin, from where you can add regulare widgets to the WordPress admin dashboard.

Widget nejaktivnějších komentátorů

Co je největší odměnou pro blogera? Když někdo komentuje jeho pracně sesmolený článek. Je to opojný pocit, donutit někoho přečíst si sepsaný text a ještě ho vybičovat ke slovní reakci. Není to ale vůbec nic jednoduchého, zvlášť, když vás web není navštěvován masami. S webem zejícím prázdnotou to je těžké. Nezbývá, než potenciální komentátory nějak… Číst dále

Publikování příspěvků z Twitteru

**Twitter Feed for WordPress**

The WordPress Twitter Feed Plugin lets you simply output any user’s tweets into your WordPress page, template or sidebar! You can customise the username, number of tweets, and style of ouput.


**Twitter Widget Pro**

A widget that properly handles twitter feeds, including @username, #hashtag, and link parsing. It supports displaying profiles images, and even lets you control whether to display the time and date of a tweet or how log ago it happened (about 5 hours ago, etc).

**Tweet Blender**

Tweet Blender is tag-aware and has support for multiple authors, lists, hashtags, and keywords all blended together. The plugin can show tweets from just one user or a list of users (as all other Twitter plugins do); however, it can also show tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword. But there is more! It can also show tweets for multiple authors AND multiple lists AND multiple keywords AND multiple hashtags all blended together into a single stream.
Version 3 added a new widget that automatically shows tweets relevant to your blog post by taking post’s tags and using them as keywords for Twitter search.

**Latest tweets**

This widget displays a defined number of your latest tweets in your blog.

**Vložení vlastního kódu do šablony**

/—code php
„, file_get_contents($feed));

$i = 0;
foreach ($dopole as $obsah) {
$vyhod = stristr($obsah, „„);
$obsah = str_replace($vyhod, „“, $obsah);
$obsah = str_replace(„<„, „<", $obsah); $obsah = str_replace(">", ">„, $obsah);
$obsah = str_replace(“ class=\“ \““, „“, $obsah);
if ($i > 0) echo $obsah.“

Rozbalovací mega menu

**JQuery Mega Menu Widget**

Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple mega menus on each page, offers either „fade In“ or „slide down“ effects and the option to use hover or click to show the sub-menu. For best results use 3 levels for the custom menu.

„Demo »“:http://www.designchemical.com/lab/demo-wordpress-jquery-mega-menu-plugin/

[* http://www.designchemical.com/media/images/custom_wordpress_mega_menu_s.jpg *]

**jQuery Vertical Mega Menu**

Creates a widget, which allows you to add flyout vertical mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple vertical mega menus on each page and offers 3 animation effects – show/hide, fade In or slide out. Widget also gives the option of selecting left or right for the flyout menu depending on where you side column is. For best results use 3 levels for the custom menu.

„Demo »“:http://www.designchemical.com/lab/demo-wordpress-jquery-vertical-mega-menu-plugin.html

[* http://www.designchemical.com/media/images/vertical_mega_menu_s.jpg *]

**JQuery Accordion Menu Widget**

Creates vertical accordion menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Add menus using either widgets or shortcodes. Features include – handles multiple levels, saved state using cookies, add count of number of links and option of selecting „click“ or „hover“ events for triggering the menu.

„Demo »“:http://www.designchemical.com/lab/demo-wordpress-vertical-accordion-menu-plugin/

[* http://www.designchemical.com/media/images/vertical_accordion_plugin.jpg *]

Plovoucí box (sidebar) – obecný, s menu či kontaktním formulářem

**Floating Menu**

Creates a widget, which adds a floating, sticky, drop down menu from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple floating menus on each page and the location of each menu tab can be easily set from the widget control panel. Menu can also be activated either by ‚hover‘ or ‚click‘.

„Demo »“:http://www.designchemical.com/lab/demo-wordpress-jquery-floating-menu-plugin/

**Slick Contact Forms**

Creates a widget, which adds a contact form using either a *floating*, *drop down button* or a *sticky*, sliding tab. Can handle multiple forms on each page and the location of the floating button or sliding tab can be easily set from the widget control panel.

Each form includes up to 3 text input fields and one text area. The input labels and type of validation can be set via the widget control panel. The plugin includes validation for the form fields using animated error messages.

„Demo »“:http://www.designchemical.com/blog/index.php/wordpress-plugin-slick-contact-forms/

**WP Float**

WP Float enables you to add a float/fixed item to WordPress. This can be used for Advertisements, Images, Text or any HTML. You can choose to show the float/fixed item on the homepage only, posts only or pages only.

**Strx Magic Floating Sidebar Maker**
This plugin will make your sidebar follow your visitors while they scroll up and down the page.

„Demo »“:http://www.sulmonte.org/

**Floating Widgets**

The floating widgets plugin makes it easy to add a widgetized area right above or beside your main content regardless of which theme you are using. You can have full control of where and how your widgets are displayed without having to edit your theme at all.

Vytváření vlastních widgetů

Widgets are small pieces of content that can be placed in one of the widgetized regions of your WordPress theme. A widget may contain some simple static content like a newsletter subscription form, introductory text, advertisements or some dynamic content such as a list of recent tweets from your Twitter account.

In „this article“:www.sitepoint.com/define-your-own-wordpress-widgets/ you will learn:

– How to create simple widgets without coding using the Text widget
– How to create dynamic data-driven widgets created through a WordPress plugin

„Embracing Drag-and-Drop Sidebars by Creating Your First WordPress Widget »“:http://www.sitepoint.com/embracing-drag-and-drop-sidebars-by-creating-your-first-wordpress-widget/

Řízení viditelnosti widgetů – zobrazení pouze na některých stránkách

**Widget Logic**

This plugin gives every widget an extra control field called „Widget logic“ that lets you control the pages that the widget will appear on.
The text field lets you use WP’s Conditional Tags, or any general PHP code.
There is also an option to add a wordpress ‚widget_content‘ filter – this lets you tweak standard widgets to suit your theme without editing plugins and core code.

**Display Widgets**

Change your sidebar content for different pages, categories, custom taxonomies, and WPML languages. Avoid creating multiple sidebars and duplicating widgets by adding check boxes to each widget in the admin which will either show or hide the widgets on every site page. Great for avoiding extra coding and keeping your sidebars clean.

[* http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/display-widgets/screenshot-1.png?r=717402 *]

**Widget Context**

Widget Context allows you to show or hide widgets on certain sections of your site — front page, posts, pages, archives, search, etc. It also features section targeting by URLs (with wildcard support) for maximum flexibility.

**Dynamic Widgets**

Dynamic Widgets gives you full control on which pages a widget will display. It lets you dynamically show or hide widgets on WordPress pages by setting conditional logic rules on a widget with just a few mouse clicks.

Vyjíždějící panely a okna

**TheThe Sliding Panels**

Provides 5 types of JavaScript-powered Sliding Panels – Top, Bottom, Left, and Right side panels and a Modal Window floating above the main webpage.

Installing and activating TheThe Sliding Panels plugin on your WordPress site will cause activation of the following widget areas: Top Sliding Panel, Bottom Sliding Panel, Left Sliding Panel, Right Sliding Panel, and Modal Window. You can set all parameters of a panel as well as add any widget into each Sliding Panel/Modal Window widget area.

Use WP Plugins like „Widget Context or Widget Logic“:https://wordpresso.ovx.cz/rizeni-viditelnost-widgetu/ to add logic to the widgets you are placing into the widget areas of the sliding panels.

*Suppressing Cookie* is an advanced option that helps you control your panel/window opening logic. It allows you to keep your Sliding Panels deactivated when some cookie is present on the visitor’s computer.

For example, if you want to display your Modal Window with your Newsletter Opt-In Form only for those visitors who have not been subscribed yet, you can choose to do so. In this case, when someone subscribes to your newsletter, you can set a cookie ‚Subscriber‘ to him. Then, enter this name in the ‚Suppressing Cookie‘ field of the panel. And you are done!

Those visitors who have already subscribed to your newsletter will not see your modal window anymore, while new visitors will continue seeing it until they subscribe.

[* http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/thethe-sliding-panels/screenshot-4.jpg 600×425 *]

Multikriteriální filtrování (vyhledávání) příspěvků

**Multiple Category Selection Widget**

This plugin gives you the ability to provide your users with a widget full of dropdowns based upon parent categories and their sub-categories.
You can now set up an AJAX chained select box. For example, if you have multiple countries, and multiple states for each country, you can get a user to select a country. Upon selecting the country, the plugin looks for any states under that country, and then shows the dropdown box for the states under that country beneath the country dropdown.

Multiple subcategories spanning multiple parent categories (though multiple categories inside a single parent cannot be chosen) are chosen and intelligently filter your posts.

Please note that this plugin, while it is a widget, can be used on a sidebar you define anywhere within your theme that you like. Think of it as a ‚block‘ area rather than a ‚sidebar‘.


**WP Ultimate Search**

Powerful AJAX-based search alternative which supports faceting queries by taxonomies, terms, location, and post metadata.

**Query Multiple Taxonomies**

Say you have two custom taxnomies defined: *genre* and *artist*.

Currently, you can do the following types of queries on your site:

But you can’t do this:

WordPress will just ignore one of the parameters. This plugin fixes that. It also comes with a drill-down navigation widget.

[* http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/query-multiple-taxonomies/screenshot-1.png?r=358842 *]

**WP Custom Fields Search**

This plugin allows multiple form inputs to be configured to search different aspects of a post including custom fields.
It is designed to filter posts in a more structured way than the default wordpress search. Specifically it allows multiple form inputs to be configured to search different aspects of a post, i.e. one term could search the post content, one the post title and one could search a custom field associated with the post.

The blog admin is able to build a customised search form. It allows you to search by the standard post information and by custom fields and to choose what HTML form elements should be presented for each search field.

**Taxonomy Picker**

Taxonomy Picker is a widget which you can include in your sidebar to help visitors build complex queries using categories and your custom taxonomies by chosing terms from drop down boxes. The widget also includes a text search making it easy to search for text only within certain categories or taxonomies.
Results will be displayed using your theme’s standard search form so the results need no additonal styling.

„Demo »“:http://www.egyptological.com/find

**Úpravou kódu (bez pluginů)**

Výběr (průnik) z více štítků současně, zaškrtáváním checkboxů v šabloně stránky s filtrem:

/—code php

print $checkboxes;

$value) {
// tag1 AND tag2 is chosen, add a plus after the tags.
$string .= $value.’+‘;
// Remove the last + symbol in the string
$tags = substr($string, 0, -1);

// build the url with the variables
$url = home_url().“?tag=$tags“;

// redirect to output page
wp_redirect($url); exit;
endif; ?>

Výběr (průnik) z více kategorií současně, zaškrtáváním checkboxů:

U kategorií je třeba ještě nejprve přidat do *functions.php*
/—code php
// List categories with checkboxes
function get_categories_checkboxes( $selected_cats = null ) {
$all_categories = get_categories();
$o = ‚

    foreach($all_categories as $key => $cat) {
    if($cat->parent == „0“) $o .= __show_category($cat, $selected_cats);
    return $o.‘


function __show_category($cat_object, $selected_cats = null) {
$checked = „“;
if(!is_null($selected_cats) && is_array($selected_cats)) {
$checked = (in_array($cat_object->cat_ID, $selected_cats)) ? ‚checked=“checked“‚ : „“;
$ou = ‚

  • ‚;
    return $ou;

    // get category slug form id
    function get_cat_slug($cat_id) {
    $cat_id = (int) $cat_id;
    $category = &get_category($cat_id);
    return $category->slug;

    a v šabloně stránky s filtrem pak

    /—code php

    $value) {
    // cat1 AND cat2 is chosen, add a plus after the cats.
    $slug = get_cat_slug($value);
    $string .= $slug.’+‘;
    // Remove the last + symbol in the string
    $cats = substr($string, 0, -1);

    // build the url with the variables
    $url = home_url().“/rubriky/“.$cats.“/“;

    // redirect to output page
    wp_redirect($url); exit;
    endif; ?>

    This shows 15 posts (total) from categories 3 and 11 and 9

    /—code php


    „List categories with checkboxes »“:http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.undolog.com%2Fcategory%2Fwordpress%2Fpage%2F2%2F

    „Filtering WordPress categories using undocumented hook »“:http://soulsizzle.com/wordpress/filtering-wordpress-categories-using-an-undocumented-hook/

    Widget – seznam kategorií, počet článků v odkazech

    Určitě jste si už někdy lámali hlavu nad widgetem, který zobrazuje počet článků v kategorii. Mnozí z vás by si jistě odkazy udělali spíše jako tlačítka, aby čtenář nemusel najíždět přímo na text, ale stačilo by být někde v těch místech. V takovém případě jste ale nemohli zobrazovat počet článků v každé z kategorií, protože […]