Automatické stažení náhledů videa z videoserverů

**Video Thumbnails**

Video Thumbnails makes it easy to automatically display video thumbnails in your template. When you publish a post, this plugin will find the first video embedded and locate the thumbnail for you. Thumbnails can be saved to your media library and set as a featured image automatically. There’s even support for custom post types and custom fields!

Adresy náhledových obrázků na YouTube:

# 1,2,3 – 120×90 px
# 0 – 480×360 px

(Použito např. na „“:

Využití YouTube

**Automatic Youtube Video Posts**

The Automatic YouTube Video Posts Plugin automatically imports YouTube videos from any YouTube account, creates posts for them and publishes them or creates a post draft according to your settings. You are also able to automatically update your Twitter status posting the new WordPress video post using text you specify.

„Demo »“:

**YouTube Channel**

When you need to display sidebar widget with latest video from some YouTube channel or playlist, you can use customisable YouTube Channel plugin.

**External Videos**

This plugin creates a new WordPress post type called „External Videos“ and aggregates videos from a external social networking site’s user channel to the WordPress instance. For example, it finds all the videos of the user „Fred“ on YouTube and adds them each as a new post type. The videos can be presented in a gallery using the shortcode [external-videos]. There is also a widget to add a list of the most recent videos in a sidebar.
For Youtube, Vimeo, Dotsub.

„How to install and use »“:

„“:Features »

Can grab YouTube/Vimeo videos matching a search term.

„Demo »“:

**Smart YouTube PRO**

Smart Youtube PRO is a WordPress Video plugin that allows you to easily insert videos/playlists into your post, comments and in your RSS feed. The plugin is designed to be small and fast and not use any external resources.

Supports playback of Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Liveleak and Facebook high quality videos, works on iPhone&iPad, produces xHTML valid code (unlike YouTube embed code), allows you to view videos in fullscreen, has robust widget support and much more.

Vložení vlastního videa

**Video.js – HTML5 Video Player for WordPress**

A video plugin for WordPress built on the Video.js HTML5 video player library. Allows you to embed video in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers.
Responzivní, umožňuje vložit vlastní obrázek. Pro vlastní videa i videa z YT apod.

**JW Player**

JW Player for WordPress makes it extremely easy to deliver Flash and HTML5 video through your WordPress website.

**Flash Video Player**

The flash video plugin for WordPress allows the addition of video (and other media) to a WordPress website using standards-compliant markup and the leading open source software (Jeroen Wijering’s FLV Player and Geoff Stearns‘ SWFObject Javascript Library).