Inzertní odkazy pod článkem


EasyAd je jednoduchý plugin pro redakční systém WordPress, který umožňuje okamžitý prodej přímých odkazů pod jednotlivými články. Návštěvník pomocí několika kliknutí objedná a ihned zaplatí přímý odkaz pod vybraným článkem pomocí systému PayPal a odkaz se okamžitě po zaplacení začne zobrazovat.

Vkládání reklamy

**Ad Injection**

Ad Injection injects any kind of advert or other content (e.g. Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, TradeDoubler, etc.) into the existing content of your WordPress posts and pages. You can control the number of adverts based on the post length, and it can restrict who sees adverts by post age, visitor referrer and IP address. Adverts can be configured in the post (random, top, and bottom positions) or in any widget/sidebar area. There’s support for A:B split testing / ad rotation. And the dynamic restrictions (by IP and referrer) work with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and WP Cache.

You can specify that ads should only be shown to search engine visitors, or to visitors from defined referring websites – e.g. Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, etc. This will give your regular visitors (who are unlikely to click your ads) a better experience of your site. You can define which search engines or referring sites see your adverts.

You can inject raw JavaScript and PHP.


Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use wordpress ad management plugin which does a lot more than ad management.

Wp-Insert can manage your ads, google analytics or any other tracking scripts, legal stuff and even make editing your themes or writing code in content easier for you.

All these from within a well contained and easy to use interface.

Neblokovatelné pop-up okno

**Scroll popup html content ads**

This Scroll popup html content ads WordPress plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling pop up using HTML div. You can locate the scrolling pop up in a corner of a web page and choose the scrolling direction (i.e., left-to-right or top-down). We have separate content management page to manage the popup content. Using this plugin we can show our ads and special information to the user. This is the unblock-able popup and tested on IE and Mozilla.

– Simple popup plugin
– Easy customization
– Scrollable popup effect
– Session option to display popup once per session

Reklamní růžek

**PageFlip Advertising**

With this plugin you can insert a page flip advertising on the top-right cross; This script uses one image, i advice to insert a 50×50 px image, and after you can insert your image.



**Page Peel**

This plugin adds new Web 2.0 flash Page Peel Ad to your WP powered blog. It preloads big image so you won’t get delay before displaying image when you hover ad like in ordinary Page Peel scripts.

Reklamní čtverce 125×125 v sidebaru

V řadě vzhledů jsem viděla podobné čtverce přímo vloženy do sidebaru jako součást dané šablony, takže to lze považovat za jakýsi trend. Do čtverců o rozměru 125 x 125 se dá vložit například Adsense reklama, loga sponzorů, obrázky, ale také texty. Obsah každého čtverce je možné libovolně modifikovat.

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