Publikování téhož příspěvku na více webech

**Multipost MU**

Multipost MU is a WordPress MU plugin that allows you publish a post or page made to a single blog across multiple blogs. An option panel is added to the sidebar of the Add/Edit post and Add/Edit page screens that allow you to select other blogs to which the current post/page is published. If the „master post/page“ is edited or deleted, all multiposted copies will also be edited or deleted.

Využití YouTube

**Automatic Youtube Video Posts**

The Automatic YouTube Video Posts Plugin automatically imports YouTube videos from any YouTube account, creates posts for them and publishes them or creates a post draft according to your settings. You are also able to automatically update your Twitter status posting the new WordPress video post using text you specify.

„Demo »“:

**YouTube Channel**

When you need to display sidebar widget with latest video from some YouTube channel or playlist, you can use customisable YouTube Channel plugin.

**External Videos**

This plugin creates a new WordPress post type called „External Videos“ and aggregates videos from a external social networking site’s user channel to the WordPress instance. For example, it finds all the videos of the user „Fred“ on YouTube and adds them each as a new post type. The videos can be presented in a gallery using the shortcode [external-videos]. There is also a widget to add a list of the most recent videos in a sidebar.
For Youtube, Vimeo, Dotsub.

„How to install and use »“:

„“:Features »

Can grab YouTube/Vimeo videos matching a search term.

„Demo »“:

**Smart YouTube PRO**

Smart Youtube PRO is a WordPress Video plugin that allows you to easily insert videos/playlists into your post, comments and in your RSS feed. The plugin is designed to be small and fast and not use any external resources.

Supports playback of Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Liveleak and Facebook high quality videos, works on iPhone&iPad, produces xHTML valid code (unlike YouTube embed code), allows you to view videos in fullscreen, has robust widget support and much more.

Rozšíření možností editoru TinyMCE

**TinyMCE Advanced**

This plugin adds 16 extensions to TinyMCE: Advanced HR, Advanced Image, Advanced Link, Advanced List, Context Menu, Emotions (Smilies), Date and Time, IESpell, Layer, Nonbreaking, Print, Search and Replace, Style, Table, Visual Characters and XHTML Extras.

Publikování příspěvků na Twitter

**WP to Twitter**

WP to Twitter posts a Twitter status update from your WordPress blog using your URL shortening service to provide a link back to your post from Twitter.
The plugin supports a default Tweet template for updating or editing posts and pages, supports your custom post types, and also allows you to write a custom Tweet for each post which says whatever you want, using a selection of custom shortcodes to generate your text.


**Twitter Tools**

Twitter Tools is a plugin that creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account.
Twitter Tools has taken this into account and you can safely enable both creating posts from your tweets and tweets from your posts without duplicating them in either place.
As of version 2.0 a plugin to do this with the service is included as an option.


This plugin allows you to automatically post your new posts on the twitter website.
Twitme does not work in combination with other Twitter plugins like „Twitter Tools“. Make sure you disable those plugins before you install Twitme (This goes for any version of Twitme).

** auto Twitter poster**

This WordPress Twitter plugin posts updates from your blog to your twitter account when you create a fresh post auto shorten URLs with TLI.TL url shortener.

Administrace příspěvků v kalendáři, spolupráce více autorů

**Editorial Calendar**

The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire blog.

Ideální pro web s mnoha příspěvky.

„Demoverze »“:

**Edit Flow**

Edit Flow empowers you to collaborate with your editorial team inside WordPress. We’ve made it modular so you can customize it to your needs.

[* *]

Modifikace odkazu „více“

**Úprava textu odkazu**


**Doplnění obrázku**

/—code php
.moretext {
width: 100px;
height: 45px;
background:url(/images/ilustrace.gif) no-repeat right middle;
padding: 10px 50px 15px 5px}

**Skok na začátek textu**

Standardně odkaz vede na pokračování textu, nacházející se za `` odkazem, toto chování lze změnit umístěním následujícího filtru do *functions.php*

/—code php
function remove_more_jump_link($link) {
$offset = strpos($link, ‚#more-‚);
if ($offset) {
$end = strpos($link, ‚“‚,$offset);
if ($end) {
$link = substr_replace($link, “, $offset, $end-$offset);
return $link;
add_filter(‚the_content_more_link‘, ‚remove_more_jump_link‘);

Lze použít i plugin:

**More Link Modifier**

A simple plugin that allows you to modify the link that is displayed when you use the Pokračovat ve čtení „Modifikace odkazu „více““

Nahrazení řetězce v textu

Opakuje se vám v příspěvcích článků nějaká část kódu v html, která se velmi často opakuje a ztrácíte moře času jejím neustálým kopírováním? Dnes ukážeme jak jednoduchým způsobem vypsat se specifickým stylem například název článku podle ID. Do souboru functions.php (složka šablony) vložte následující kód: function titulek_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( ‚id‘ => […]

Stealth Publish – tajné publikování

Někdy chcete publikovat článek, který by neměl být jako součást hlavního obsahu. Hodí se to například pro příspěvky, které neodpovídají přímo tomu, co by chtěla číst cílová skupina, ale zároveň je chcete mít na webu v archivu.

Plugin Stealth Publish umí vyřadit příspěvek z RSS výstupu webu a z přehledu na hlavní stránce. Článek tedy sice publikujete, ale dozví se o něm jenom ten, co ho bude přímo potřebovat a hledat.

Stealth PublishPo aktivaci pluginu je v administraci při publikování příspěvku k dispozici zatrhávací políčko.

Jakmile jej zatrhnete, aktivují se výše zmíněné funkce pluginu. Pokud budete chtít některé z výchozího chování změnit, návod je na oficiálním webu.

Například vložením tohoto kódu do souboru šablony functions.php bude sice příspěvek z RSS vyřazen, ale v přehledu na titulní stránce webu se zobrazí.

add_filter( ‘stealth_publish_meta_key’, ‘override_stealth_publish_key’ );
function override_stealth_publish_key( $custom_field_key ) {
return ‘_my_custom_stealth-publish’;

Stealth Publish ke stažení

Části obsahu pro opakované použití

**WordPress Reusables**

A pretty common feature among content management systems is the ability to pull pieces of content onto a page which have been pre-defined within the database. However, with WordPress you are unable to do this on the page/post level. Only in theme creation are you able to dynamically pull content from other files. This can be extremely useful for content that gets used throughout a site, as it can be very cumbersome trying to update something like a headline that is hard coded onto multiple pages. However, with this plugin you are able to create a reusable for these types of content and manage them in one place rather than editing each post/page that the content is on.

Integrování obsahu blogu na Facebook

**Add Link to Facebook**

Automatically add links to posts that are being published to your Facebook wall, pages or groups. Simple one time setup and forget. The way links appear on Facebook can be customized. This plugin comes with full support.

The link title will be the post title. The link description will be the excerpt, or part of the post text if there is none. It is possible to configure a link image (WordPress icon, first image in the media library or in the text, featured image or custom image) or you can let Facebook select one automatically. It is possible to exclude individual post links from being added to your wall, pages or groups by ticking a check box just above the publish button.

**Facebook Tab Manager**

Makes WordPress function as an editor for tabs you can embed in a Facebook page for your business, campaign, or organization.
The Facebook Tab Manager allows you to create landing pages and other types of content to be displayed within Facebook, particularly within the tabs that appear on Facebook business pages and pages for other types of organizations. This provides a way of putting more interesting layouts and functionality into your Facebook pages, without the need to get too deep into fancy programming.

The Facebook Tab Manager was specifically designed to take advantage of a recent Facebook page redesign that added support for iframe tabs on Facebook pages. Optionally, you can now also specify content to be displayed on an associated canvas page.

Tab content can include most any WordPress content, including output from Shortcodes and other plugin functions.




WPBook is a plugin for integrating WordPress and Facebook. It provides robust functionality, including:

– Support for a view of your WordPress blog as a Facebook application, including full pages and posts, with embedded media. This view is highly customizable, with custom headers/footers for each post, share links, and links to each post on the external WordPress blog.
– Support for comments posted by users within that Facebook application view; these are treated as native WordPress comments.
– Tabs for Facebook Pages. Tab view can include full posts but strips out tags that Facebook does not allow (embedded videos, iframes).
– Support for posting excerpts to Facebook wall (on individual profile and/or Page) with urls pointing to either the external blog permalink or to the Facebook application view.
– Support for importing to WordPress comments made against excerpts posted on Facebook walls.
– Facebook Avatar support for gravatars

**The Complete Guide to Optimizing Your WordPress Site for Sharing on Facebook**