Vkládání reklamy

**Ad Injection**

Ad Injection injects any kind of advert or other content (e.g. Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, TradeDoubler, etc.) into the existing content of your WordPress posts and pages. You can control the number of adverts based on the post length, and it can restrict who sees adverts by post age, visitor referrer and IP address. Adverts can be configured in the post (random, top, and bottom positions) or in any widget/sidebar area. There’s support for A:B split testing / ad rotation. And the dynamic restrictions (by IP and referrer) work with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and WP Cache.

You can specify that ads should only be shown to search engine visitors, or to visitors from defined referring websites – e.g. Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, etc. This will give your regular visitors (who are unlikely to click your ads) a better experience of your site. You can define which search engines or referring sites see your adverts.

You can inject raw JavaScript and PHP.


Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use wordpress ad management plugin which does a lot more than ad management.

Wp-Insert can manage your ads, google analytics or any other tracking scripts, legal stuff and even make editing your themes or writing code in content easier for you.

All these from within a well contained and easy to use interface.

Vkládání a náhrada bloků dat – textu, PHP kódu, databáze


Sniplets is a generic text insertion plugin with support for an extensible processing framework. At it’s simplest this means you can dynamically replace text in your posts with text that may be defined elsewhere, or created by some other module. For example, you can use Sniplets to perform syntax highlighting of files, execute custom PHP code, insert data from a database, and perform all manner of other useful tasks within a standard interface. On top of this, Sniplets can be automatically inserted at key points on a page. For example, you can automatically insert text on every RSS post.

– Replace tags in a post with pre-defined text
– Customizable placement points and templates
– Apply processing modules to the pre-defined text to perform additional functionality
– Automatically insert Sniplets in key points of a page (before post, after post, more tag, header, footer, comment form, sidebar, and initialization)
– Apply pre-defined templates to Sniplets
– Includes a Sidebar Widget to allow Sniplets in the sidebar
– Custom modules can be written by the user
– Fully localized

Umístění a interpretace vlastního PHP kódu


The Exec-PHP plugin executes PHP code in posts, pages and text widgets.

Main features:

– Executes PHP code in the excerpt and the content portion of your posts and pages
– Configurable execution of PHP code in text widgets (for WordPress 2.2 or higher)
– Write PHP code in familiar syntax, eg.

*jako widget:*

**WP PHP widget**

This plugin adds a new widget called PHP Widget, which will allow you to include PHP code, you can have Text, HTML, Javascript, Flash and/or PHP code wordpress template tags as content or title in this widget. So, as long as you want, it can do everything, that is greatful.