Zvýraznění ukázky kódu v příspěvku
This plugin is a syntax highlighter for source code. It uses GeSHi as fontifier engine.
Put the code snippet to pre tag.
Add the lang attribute to the pre tag like the following. **< pre lang="php" >**
Add the lineno attribute to the pre tag after the lang tag like the following if you want to display line numbers. The number in the lineno tag becomes a start line number. There is no default value for the start line number. So you must supply the value to the lineno tag. **< pre lang="php" lineno="1" >**
If you want to have border, add the style like the following to your .css file: **pre { border: 1px dotted #ccc; padding: 0.2em 0.5em; }**
You can use many languages in lang. For example: css, html4strict, javascript, mysql, php, python, text,xml and much more.
Pozor, nefunguje s Texy, tam je zapotřebí použít „speciální syntaxi“:http://texy.info/cs/syntax-podrobne (značky /—code):
/—code php
**SyntaxHighlighter Evolved**
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without losing it’s formatting or making any manual changes. It uses the SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package by Alex Gorbatchev.
**Crayon Syntax Highlighter**
Syntax Highlighter supporting multiple languages, themes, fonts, highlighting from a URL, or post text.
WordPress plugin for automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no bullshit.
**Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter**
Easy-to-use, syntax highlighting tool for WordPress. It’s build in PHP and uses the MooTools(Javascript) based EnlighterJS to provide a beautiful code-appearance. Using it can be as simple as selecting an editor style or adding shortcode around your scripts which you want to highlight and Enlighter takes care of the rest.