Multisite – vytvoření a migrace

**Create A Network**

As of WordPress 3.0, you have the ability to create a network of sites by using the multisite feature. This article contains instructions for creating a multisite network.

A multisite network is a collection of sites that all share the same WordPress installation. They can also share plugins and themes. The individual sites in the network are virtual sites in the sense that they do not have their own directories on your server, although they do have separate directories for media uploads within the shared installation, and they do have separate tables in the database.


**Understanding WordPress Multisite, a conceptual introduction**

**Migrating Multiple Blogs into WordPress 3.0 Multisite**

This tutorial explains how to migrate multiple WordPress installations into one new WordPress multisite. You can migrate sites that are using their own domain, as well as sites using a subdomain on your main domain.


**Move an Existing Blog into WordPress Multi-Site**

**Comprehensive WordPress Multisite Migrations**

**Setup A WordPress Multisite**

Správa několika webů nebo jazykových verzí v multisite instalaci

With multisite installation you can set up multiple blogs that share the same WordPress files, DB, plugins, themes.

Protože „WPML plugin“: pro jazykové verze webů je nadále už k dispozici jen v komerční verzi, a u starších verzí WPML na posledních verzích WordPressu jsme zaznamenali problémy (např. zdvojování části URL), hodí se *multisite* instalace velmi dobře například jako náhrada WPML pro provoz jazykových verzí.
Použito (mj.) na webu „opavské jazykové školy Primalingua“:

To wp-config.php file add line:

/—code php
define(‚WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE‘, true);

In your Tools menu in the left sidebar, you’ll now see the **Network Setup** item. Click on that and then go to **Create a Network of WordPress Sites**. Follow the directions and choose a few options such as the URL structure and network name.

You’ll then be prompted to make a blogs.dir directory in /wp-content and it will provide several more lines of code to add to the wp-config.php file.

It will also tell you to add some rules to .htaccess, a server text file used to work with permissions and configurations for each directory.

When you log into the Network Admin, you’ll now see a **My Sites** item, where you can manage all the network sites. Hover over that, and under “Network Admin”, there will be several administration items. When you click on **Sites**, you can add new sites with the click of a button!

A WP network can manage any number of sites on different domains, sub-domains or paths. However, they must all reside on the same server.

**Klonování existujícího webu v síti**

– zazálohovat celou db
– založit skrz networkmanagera nový site
– zjistit prefixy tabulek té nové verze (wp_n+1)
– dumpnout databázi stávající verze (wp_n)
– nahradit v dumpu prefixy (wp_n > wp_n+1), ev. url (example.old >
– smazat tabulky nově vytvořené verze (wp_n+1)
– naimportovat replácnuté a přejmenované tabulky (wp_n+1)
– změnit siteurl ve wp_n+1_options na nové
– změnit nastavení jazyka (resp. siteurl) ve wp-admin/network/sites.php
– přiřadit nové verzi existující adminy

*a nebo – pohodlněji – s pomocí pluginu:*

**NS Cloner – Site Copier**

The NS Cloner saves multisite admins LOTS of time by enabling them to clone existing sites in their network to a completely new site in a few seconds.


„WordPress MU Domain Mapping“:

This plugin allows users of a WordPress MU site or WordPress 3.0 network to map their blog/site to another domain.

„How to Get More From WordPress With Multisite Blogs (Network Install) »“:

**WordPress Multisite Without a Domain Mapping Plugin**

You don’t need to use the domain mapping plugin if you are planning on running a WordPress Multisite with top-level domains and/or sudomains. WordPress allows you to change the domain from a sub-domain to a top level domain once you have added the site.

[*×353.png *]

The only important thing is to set the COOKIE_DOMAIN to an empty string in your wp-config.php:

/—code php
define(‚COOKIE_DOMAIN‘, “);

Otherwise WordPress will always set it to your network’s $current_site->domain and you won’t be able to login into any of the other sites.

„Zdroj »“: