Galerie – obrázky v mřížce

**Space Boxes**
„Your text to link…“:

Space Boxes was designed to make building content & media grids quick and painless. Each Space Box set is created solely with a WordPress gallery inserted into a custom post type. When you insert the shortcode [spaceboxes id=XX”] , it will display the title, and caption for each image, if they are provided.

Have 7 images in your gallery? Then you’ll have 7 boxes. Want a lightbox? No problem. Control over the grid? Check! There’s even a portfolio mode to show off images or product screenshots. You can also use the gallery to drag and drop your boxes in the order that you want them displayed.

„Demo »“:

Konfigurovatelný lightbox

„Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The WordPress Lightbox »“:

**FooBox Image Lightbox**

FooBox was the first lightbox to take responsive layout seriously. Not only does it scale images to look better on phones, but it rearranges it’s button controls to look great in both portrait or landscape orientation.
Works best with our free „FooGallery plugin“:

**Lightbox Plus Colorbox**

Lightbox Plus Colorbox permits users to view larger versions of images, simple slide shows, videos and content all in an overlay.



A tool for displaying images, html content and SWF movies in a Mac-style „lightbox“ that floats overtop of web page.
This plugin uses the jquery implementation of fancybox and makes use of [attr] style selectors by adding a section to the wordpress header. Customizable through settings and CSS.

V případě, že je na stránce vložené video z YouTube, v IE překrývá obrázek ve FancyBoxu. Řešení: do kódu vygenerovaného z YouTube stačí k odkazu na video přidat „?wmode=opaque“.

**Simple Lightbox**

Simple Lightbox is a very **simple** and **customizable** lightbox that is easy to add to your WordPress website. It also supports themes, so it can be fully integrated with your site’s theme.

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**WP jQuery Lightbox**

A drop-in replacement for Lightbox 2 and similar plugins, shedding the bulk of Prototype and Scriptaculous. Improved for mobile devices.

**jQuery Colorbox**

Yet another Colorbox/Lightbox plugin for WordPress. jQuery Colorbox features 11 themes from which you can choose. See my website. Works out-of-the-box with WordPress Galleries and NextGEN Gallery! (choose no effect in NextGEN settings)

When adding an image to a post or page, usually a thumbnail is inserted and linked to the image in original size. All images in posts and pages can be displayed in a colorbox when the thumbnail is clicked. Images are grouped as galleries when linked in the same post or page. Groups can be displayed in a slideshow.

Individual images can be excluded by adding a special CSS class. jQuery Colorbox can also open linked content (external as well as inline) in a Colorbox.

„Demo »“: