Rozbalovací mega menu

**JQuery Mega Menu Widget**

Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple mega menus on each page, offers either „fade In“ or „slide down“ effects and the option to use hover or click to show the sub-menu. For best results use 3 levels for the custom menu.

„Demo »“:

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**jQuery Vertical Mega Menu**

Creates a widget, which allows you to add flyout vertical mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple vertical mega menus on each page and offers 3 animation effects – show/hide, fade In or slide out. Widget also gives the option of selecting left or right for the flyout menu depending on where you side column is. For best results use 3 levels for the custom menu.

„Demo »“:

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**JQuery Accordion Menu Widget**

Creates vertical accordion menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Add menus using either widgets or shortcodes. Features include – handles multiple levels, saved state using cookies, add count of number of links and option of selecting „click“ or „hover“ events for triggering the menu.

„Demo »“:

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Plovoucí box (sidebar) – obecný, s menu či kontaktním formulářem

**Floating Menu**

Creates a widget, which adds a floating, sticky, drop down menu from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple floating menus on each page and the location of each menu tab can be easily set from the widget control panel. Menu can also be activated either by ‚hover‘ or ‚click‘.

„Demo »“:

**Slick Contact Forms**

Creates a widget, which adds a contact form using either a *floating*, *drop down button* or a *sticky*, sliding tab. Can handle multiple forms on each page and the location of the floating button or sliding tab can be easily set from the widget control panel.

Each form includes up to 3 text input fields and one text area. The input labels and type of validation can be set via the widget control panel. The plugin includes validation for the form fields using animated error messages.

„Demo »“:

**WP Float**

WP Float enables you to add a float/fixed item to WordPress. This can be used for Advertisements, Images, Text or any HTML. You can choose to show the float/fixed item on the homepage only, posts only or pages only.

**Strx Magic Floating Sidebar Maker**
This plugin will make your sidebar follow your visitors while they scroll up and down the page.

„Demo »“:

**Floating Widgets**

The floating widgets plugin makes it easy to add a widgetized area right above or beside your main content regardless of which theme you are using. You can have full control of where and how your widgets are displayed without having to edit your theme at all.