WordPress Leads

**WordPress Leads**

Track visitor activity, capture and manage incoming leads, and send collected emails to your email service provider.

WordPress Leads works as a standalone plugin or hand in hand with „WordPress Landing Pages“:https://wordpresso.ovx.cz/ab-testovani/ & „WordPress Calls to Action“:https://wordpresso.ovx.cz/vyzva-k-akci-call-to-action/ to create a powerful & free lead generation system for your business.

CRM na šabloně TwentyTen

**TwentyTen CRM**

TwentyTen CRM is a child theme for TwentyTen specifically designed as a Customer Relationship Management tool. It creates a series of taxonomies and custom meta boxes to collect relevant data, displays the data in a useful Dashboard page template, features a Download page template that can be used to copy/paste all the data to Excel for more advanced analysis, and is easily customized to your specific needs. Oh, and it’s free.