**Simple Twitter Connect**
Simple Twitter Connect is a series of plugins that let you add any sort of Twitter functionality you like to a WordPress blog. This lets you have an integrated site without a lot of coding, and still letting you customize it exactly the way you’d like.
First, you activate and set up the base plugin, which makes your site have basic Twitter functionality. Then, each of the add-on plugins will let you add small pieces of specific Twitter-related functionality, one by one.
Unlike other Twitter plugins for WordPress, this one helps you create your own Twitter application and identity, so your tweets from here show up as being from Your Blog, not from some plugin system. You’ll never see „posted by Simple Twitter Connect“ in your tweet stream, you’ll see „posted by Your Blog Name“. Great way to drive traffic back to your own site and to see your own Twitter userbase.
Current add-ons
– Login using Twitter
– Comment using Twitter credentials
– Users can auto-tweet their comments
– Tweet button (official one from twitter)
– Tweetmeme button
– Auto-tweet new posts to an account
– Manual Tweetbox after Publish
– Full @anywhere support
– Auto-link all twitter names on the site (with optional hovercards)
– Dashboard Twitter Widget
**Jak přidat automaticky hashtagy**
A standard tweet containing a prefix (such as “New blog post:”), post title and a link to that post is generated automatically by the plugin.To include post categories and tags as hashtags in order to add additional metadata along with the post title add this snippet to your theme’s functions.php:
/—code php
add_filter(‚stc_publish_text‘, ‚add_taxonomies_to_tweets‘, 10, 2);
function add_taxonomies_to_tweets($output, $id) {
if ($cats = get_the_category($id))
foreach ($cats as $c => $cat)
$output = add_taxonomy_hashtag($output, $cat->cat_name);
if ($tags = get_the_tags($id))
foreach ($tags as $t => $tag)
$output = add_taxonomy_hashtag($output, $tag->name);
return $output;
function add_taxonomy_hashtag($tweet, $tax) {
if (stripos($tax, ‚ ‚)) // Remove whitespace
$tax = str_replace(‚ ‚, “, $tax);
if (strlen($tweet) + 1 > 140) { // Check if the new tweet is not too long
return $tweet;
} elseif (stripos($tweet, $tax)) { // Replace an existing word with a tag
return str_replace($tax, ‚#‘ . $tax, $tweet);
} elseif (strlen($tweet) + strlen($tax) + 1 < 140) { // or simply append it
return $tweet . ' #' . $tax;
return $tweet;