**Peter’s Post Notes for WordPress**
This plugin adds a panel to the sidebar of the add and edit post / page screens so that users can add notes for themselves or others and keep track of these notes. Whenever you save a post, you can type a note to be displayed along with the post in the edit view.
When used with „Peter’s Collaboration E-mails“:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/peters-collaboration-e-mails/ 1.2 and up, the notes are sent along with the e-mails in the collaboration workflow. There is also a general and private notes system on the dashboard.
Možnost přidat poznámku ke každé stránce či příspěvku.
**Simple Admin Notes**
Adds a simple „Notes“ section to the admin menu for taking down….notes
Like a built in notepad, can leave notes for clients or yourself.
– Uses WordPress’s built in custom post types
– Works like a regular post
– Functions with default WYSIWYG editor
– Shows all „Notes“ on one page in tab format
– Will not show in front end or search
– Requires default post privileges
Plusem je WYSIWYG editor, tj. např. možnost odkazovat na komentované příspěvky, asi nejlepší.
**WordPress Admin Notepad**
Podobný jako předchozí, s jediným oknem pro poznámky. Možnost zapnout zobrazení poznámek na každé stránce.
Lze konfigurovat ne/viditelnost a ne/editovatelnost pro 4 základní skupiny uživatelů.
**Dashboard Notepad**
This dashboard widget provides a simple notepad. The widget settings allow you to choose which roles can edit the notes, and which roles can merely read them.
You can display the contents of your notepad using a template tag and/or shortcode. The widget permissions apply to these tags as well: only users with permission to read the notes will see the notes on the front end. You can use div#dashboard-notes in your theme’s CSS file to style the notes.
**Dashboard Post-it**
Adds a simple ‚Post-it‘ widget to the Dashboard that allows you to leave yourself or other authors a note. The plugin can be configured and moved around as any other Dashboard widget. It will accept plain text or (sanitized) HTML. Only users with the capability „Edit dashboard“ can edit the note.
**Dashboard Site Notes**
Add notes as admin notices in contextual help tabs, as well as compile them into an instruction manual or placed in a dashboard widget.
This is intended to build instructions into a site for clients, so it is focused on providing abilities only to the highest role of user available on a site, although it can be configured as a general purpose tool to leave temporary notes to any group on your site that has admin access.
**WP Help**
Site operators can create detailed, hierarchical documentation for the site’s authors, editors, and contributors, viewable in the WordPress admin. Powered by Custom Post Types, you get all the power of WordPress to create, edit, and arrange your documentation. Perfect for customized client sites. Never send another „here’s how to use your site“ e-mail again!
You can now pull in help documents from another WP Help install, and they will be automatically updated when the source documents change (even additions and deletions!). Perfect for WordPress multisite installs, or consultants with a large number of client installs.