Použití meta_query pro uživatelský typ příspěvků

WordPress 3.1 has made querying posts by postmeta values significantly simpler. With “meta_query” parameter, you can query for posts based on numerous postmeta values.

You have a custom post type called “product” that allows you to manage your T-shirt inventory. Upon saving each product, you enter custom field values for “price”, “size”, and “sex”. You want to create a page that only displays size “S” shirts for “men” that are under “$15.00″ and you want to order these posts by price, from lowest to highest.
In order to query for these products, you can use “meta_query”.

/—code php
$args = array(
‚post_type‘ => ‚product‘,
‚meta_query‘ => array(
‚key‘ => ‚price‘,
‚value‘ => ‚15.00‘,
‚compare‘ => ‚<', 'type' => ‚NUMERIC‘
‚key‘ => ‚size‘,
‚value‘ => ‚S‘,
‚compare‘ => ‚=‘,
‚type‘ => ‚CHAR‘
‚key‘ => ‚sex‘,
‚value‘ => ‚men‘,
‚compare‘ => ‚=‘,
‚type‘ => ‚NUMERIC‘
‚meta_key‘ => ‚price‘,
‚orderby‘ => ‚meta_value‘,
‚order‘ => ‚ASC‘
$query = new WP_Query( $args );

„Zdroj »“:http://www.wpmods.com/use-meta_query-query-posts-postmeta/