Časová osa

**Timeline Express**

Timeline express allows you to create a vertical animated timeline of announcement posts , without writing a single line of code. You simply create the ‚announcement‘ posts, set the announcement date and publish. The timeline will populate automatically in chronological order, based on the announcement date. Easily limit the announcements displayed to Upcoming announcements, past announcements or simply display all of them.

[* https://ps.w.org/timeline-express/assets/screenshot-3.jpg 630×900 *]


Vymazání nepoužitých obrázků

Při uploadu obrázku (není-li „speciálně ošetřeno“:http://www.studiograsshopper.ch/code-snippets/remove-wordpress-defaultmedia-image-sizes/) se automaticky vytváří několik různých formátů téhož.
Na webu, kde se často publikuje, je pak adresář /uploads rychle zaplněn tisíci obrázků, což se napříjemně projeví třeba při zálohování.

Rešení je **DNUI Delete not used image** plugin
„DNUI Delete not used image“:DNUI Delete not used image

This plugin will help you to find all image in the database that are not being used/unused and give you the oportunity to cleanup the database and the server space.

You will only delete not used/unused image (based in the logic of a blog site, so dont worry about delete image used.

Formátování obsahu do sloupců

**WP Easy Columns**

Easy Columns provides the shortcodes to create a grid system or magazine style columns for laying out your pages or posts on demand.

Using the shortcodes, you can get any combination of 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 columns. You can insert at least thirty unique variations of columns on any page or post.

Quickly add columns to your pages from the editor with an easy to use „pick n‘ click“ interface. Works with ANY theme!


**Fakturace a online platební brána s aktivací prémiových účtů**

Jednoduchá a rychlá cesta jak přes WP prodávat jeden produkt.

– generování a zasílání faktur v PDF emailem
– online platby přes GoPay
– následná aktivace prémiových uživatelských účtů

Plugin je prozatím určen pro ČR.


Google fonty

**Easy Google Fonts**

A simple and easy way to add custom google fonts to any WordPress theme without coding. This plugin integrates with the WordPress Customizer so you can preview google fonts on your site in realtime. It’s compatible with any theme.

It also allows you to create custom theme specific font controls in the admin settings area to control particular css selectors. Once created, these custom font controls are instantly available in the customizer no coding required!

Nástroj pro SEO

**Off Page SEO**

Monitor SERP progress, get backlinks, join the guest posting network, analyze competitors etc.

– Rank Reporter (checks rank in SERP every 3 days)
– Track gained backlinks and its influence
– Competitor Analysis (using the most popular tools in the world)
– Social Share counter (counts how many Likes and Follows you have on various social networks)
– Page and Alexa Rank Checker (checks every day for a change in PR or Alexa Rank)
– Backlink opportunities (daily update of backlink opportunities)
– Guest posting (join the guest posting network)
– Comment opportunities (search for where you can post your comments)

Tablepress – editovatelné tabulky s filtrováním a tříděním


Allows you to easily create and manage beautiful tables. You can embed the tables into posts, pages, or text widgets with a simple Shortcode. Table data can be edited in a speadsheet-like interface, so no coding is necessary. Tables can contain any type of data, even formulas that will be evaluated. An additional JavaScript library adds features like sorting, pagination, filtering, and more for site visitors. Tables can be imported and exported from/to Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON files.

Nákupní košík s PayPalem

**WP Marketplace – Complete Shopping Cart / eCommerce Solution**

A free full-featured Shopping Cart / eCommerce Plugin with everything you need on an easy UI, to build eShop or marketplace.

– Easy administration
– PayPal Integrated
– Integrated Feature Management and Pricing Table
– Multiple shipping option (extendable)
– Multiple payment gateways (extendable)
– Sales Tax
– Stock Management
– Product & Price variation ( like colors, sizes … )
– Multilevel pricing
– Invoice generation
– Customizable email templates
– Stock control
– Global coupon option
– Product specific coupon option
– Featured products
– and many more…

„Awesome Free Themes & Add-ons »“:http://wpmarketplaceplugin.com/product-category/free/

Export rubrik, štítků a uživatelských taxonomií

**WP Export Categories & Taxonomies**

Simple and basic plugin that let you export Categories, Tags and Taxonomies into a WordPress xml so you can import them in other sites using the WordPress importer tool.