**Swifty Bar**
[* https://ps.w.org/swifty-bar/assets/screenshot-1.png?rev=1192763 630×240 *]
Adds sticky bar at the bottom of post that shows category, post title, author, time needed to read article, share buttons and previous/next post links. This plugin can easily replace your social share buttons while giving readers better experience with much more options.
**Smart Layers by AddThis**
Give your site’s visitors easy-to-use buttons to engage with your content. These social sharing buttons work as layers that overlay your site so not to disrupt your design. Velmi dobře konfigurovatelné
**Digg Digg**
All in one social sharing plugin displays all popular social sharing buttons with count (uch as Twitter, Buffer, Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Digg, LinkedIn, Google +1, Reddit, dZone, TweetMeme, Topsy, Yahoo Buzz, StumbleUpon, Del.icio.us, Sphinn, Designbump, WebBlend, BlogEngage and Serpd, Pinterest) nicely on your blog and make it look amazing, just like Mashable.
Facebook Like (Iframe or XFBML), support thumbnail generation, multiple languages, show faces and send button.
Buď umístěno u článku nebo jako plovoucí lišta.
[* http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/digg-digg/screenshot-1.png 630×400 *]
**WP Sticky Social**
Plugin display sticky bar with icons and links your socials profiles. You can select from 22 icons, set position from top of screen, display sticky bar on right or left side, change text, icon and background color from administration.
– Facebook
– Twitter
– Pinterest
– Linkedin
– Google plus
– Youtube
– Vimeo
– Flickr
– Slideshare
– Instagram
– Delicious
and more.
Adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post. If the page is resized below 1000px (default), the vertical bar disappears and a horizontal sharebar appears under the post title.
[* http://s.wordpress.org/plugins/sharebar/screenshot-1.gif?r=779512 *]
„5 Ways to add social media buttons to your blog for easier sharing »“:http://www.christiankonline.com/add-social-media-buttons/