Kalendář událostí

**Events Calendar**

Events-Calendar is a versatile replacement for the original calendar included with WordPress adding many useful functions to keep track of your events. The plugin has an easy to use admin section that displays a big readable calendar and lets you add and delete events.

The plugin is widget ready so you can easily add a small calendar to the main sidebar with the ability to roll over the highlighted event day to see a brief description of the event or click the day to get a full description of the event without ever leaving your current page.

Použito pro Fujitsu t2t.



A simple but effective Calendar plugin for WordPress that allows you to manage your events and appointments and display them to the world on your website.
Použito pro kalendář obsazenosti na webu „Chata Naďa v Jeseníkách“:http://chatanada.cz/obsazenost/.

**Ajax Event Calendar**

A fully localized community calendar that allows authorized users to manage events in custom categories.
This plugin allows authorized users to add, edit (via drag n‘ drop and resize) and delete events in a community calendar viewable by all blog visitors. The calendar can be added to a page or a post using the „[calendar]“ shortcode with several filtering parameters. All shortcode parameters can be applied together, for example [calendar categories=“1,2,3″ filter=2 month=8 views=false scroll=true].

„4 Of The Best WordPress Calendar Plugins And Their Differences »“:http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/4-of-the-best-wordpress-calendar-plugins-and-their-differences

**Booking Calendar**

Booking Calendar plugin – it’s ultimate booking system for online reservation and availability checking service for your site.