**WP CSV to Database**
WP CSV to Database plugin allows you to insert CSV file content into WordPress database. Useful when you want to bulk upload data from your CSV file (e.g. product details) to the WordPress database in one go.
**DB Toolkit**
DB-Toolkit allows you to build web applications within WordPress. From manager interfaces to capture forms to content viewers or almost any type. DB-Toolkit is not a simple plugin and has a steep learning curve, but the results are very rewarding.
Some Features:
– Field-by-field data type handling makes data management very powerful and flexible.
– Data exporting in PDF and CSV * Create API’s to connect to your data. This allows you to build mobile apps that feed from your content.
– Multi Interface Layouts using clusters * Build custom content managers, like galleries, contact lists, application forms, employee databases… and so on.
– Import data from an XML or CSV source * Visually build forms that capture data to a database existing or not.
**Database Table Manager**
Want to add and manage custom database tables from the admin area? This plugin contains several easily modified examples.
This plugin folder contains 2 suites of plugins. The Club Manager Plugin contains 4 Plugins – Programme (of Events), Stop Press, Recent Events and News. The Specialists Plugin contains a more generic example of the management of a many to many link table between a number of „specialists“ and their „specialisms“. It also demonstrates the use of left joins and lookup tables. Code to sort data by clicking on the table head and to filter the selection set has also been added. They are based upon a more generic system which allows creating and adding data to custom database tables from the wordpress control panel. These plugins can be used as a template for creating different types of table and display or you can just use them as they are if they do what you want to do.
**[GWA] db Editor**
A dangerously powerful plugin that will allow you to access and update your database tables in your weblog administrator. Uses AJAX and TableKit to update field data. Simple and fast. Just click, edit, and submit.