**Twitter Tools**
Integrates your blog and your Twitter account so you can post links to your latest posts on Twitter, post your most recent tweets on your blog sidebar, or turn your tweets into blog posts without extra effort.
First thing you need to do is download and activate this plugin. Once you have done that follow the steps below:
1. Create a Category where you would like to post all your automated posts. You can name this category Daily Digest, Twitter, or anything you like.
2. Go to the settings of Twitter Tools Plugin in your WP-Admin.
3. Enter Your Twitter Username and Password.
4. Enable the option to post when you tweet. If you do not want to create an individual post for each tweet, your solution is the next option.
5. Enable the option to create daily digest with all your tweets from that day and modify other settings such as title of that post and title. (You can also set this to weekly digests)
6. Select the category that you made in step 1, to post your tweets.
Once you have done the above steps, you have completed the setup and its ready to go.
**Display Tweets in the Sidebar**
But this plugin has a lot more features then just this. You can also display your recent tweets in the sidebar using this plugin. All you have to do is either use the dynamic widget or paste the following code in your sidebar.php or any other place that you want it displayed:
/—code php
If you just want to show your last tweet then use this code:
/—code php
Zdroj: „How to Auto Publish Your Twitter Tweets as WordPress Posts“:http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-auto-publish-your-twitter-tweets-as-wordpress-posts/
**Jak použít ve WordPressu Twitter API bez pluginu**