**Folding Category List (FoCaL)**
As your blog gets more and more posts you will inevitably create more categories to keep them organised. Eventually your categories will take up more room on your screen and scroll across many pages.
Folding Category List for WordPress is a plug-in that will only show the top level categories and the current sub-categories. This will save a lot of space on your sidebars for other widgets. Additionally, you can animate the menu as either a drop down horizontal menu or an accordion style vertical menu, both with cool jQuery animations.
– jQuery Animation: Use Suckerfish or Superfish to animate drop down menus! – js included in plugin, just activate from control panel!
– jQuery Animation: Use Simple jQuery Accordion to animate vertical menus! – js included in plugin, just activate from control panel!
– SEO friendly: Add nofollow and descriptions to links.
– Multi-widget: Have as many lists as you need.
– Multi-category: If posts are in multiple categories, you can still control which one to expand, or expand all of them.
– International: Plugin is compatible with translation plugins (qTranslate).
– Control: Change order by category name, id, description, post count or use My Category Order plugin for total control.
– Pages: Expand category list on pages using custom fields.
– Style: There are lots of different options for CSS tags allowing designers to create unique menus.
„Použito na autorově webu »“:http://azuliadesigns.com/focal/