Jak na manuální upgrade zastaralých verzí WordPressu

Při upgrade WordPressu ze starších verzí (např. z 2.x.x na 3.x.x), kde ještě není k dispozici tlačítko pro upgrade, je doporučen tento postup:

1. Backup your wordpress folder and database.

2. Disable all your active plugins.

3. Delete your wp-admin, wp-includes folder.

4. DO NOT DELETE your wp-content folder and your mysql database. Just leave as it is.

5. Go to main wordpress folder, a) backup .htaccess and wp-config.php, b) delete all the files including .htaccess and wp-config.php

6. Download the latest version of wordpress, unpack it in your desktop.

7. Upload to your server by FTP only the wordpress wp-admin, wp-includes folders and all files in the wordpress folder.

8. Update wp-config.php correct database connection with settings from older version and upload it.

9. Launch http://yourblog.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php to proceed database upgrade.

10. Go to wordpress > settings > permalinks click, select and save the permalinks you used before.

11. Activate all the plugins and your theme.

12. Update plugins.

12. Double check your site.

„Updating WordPress »“:http://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress
„Upgrading WordPress Extended »“:http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress_Extended