Jigoshop a další free e-shop řešení

**Jigoshop – WordPress eCommerce**

A feature packed eCommerce plugin built upon WordPress core functionality ensuring excellent performance and customisability.

Set up shop in minutes with physical and downloadable products or even services. Jigoshop provides you with the features necessary to set up an eCommerce web site lickety-split.

With the option to create a multitude of product types and apply detailed attributes customers can easily refine your catalog, ensuring they find what they’re looking for in just a couple of clicks.

There are integrated worldwide payment and shipping options to cater for a global audience.

Inside the custom dashboard you get sortable sales graphs, incoming order / review notifications as well as stats on your stores performance.

Manage your stock levels and customer orders easily. Jigoshop has been engineered to make the boring parts of eCommerce, well, less boring!

Built upon the WordPress core you get all the benefits of this global leading platform: free, easy to use, secure, highly customisable and with a great support community to hold your hand.

Styled to work with Twenty Ten, setting up a clean stylish store is easy.



YAK is an open source shopping cart plugin for WordPress. It associates products with weblog entries (in other words, posts), so the post ID also becomes the product code. It supports both pages and posts as products, handles different types of product through categorisation, and provides customisable purchase options — cheque or deposit, basic credit card form, basic Google Checkout integration, standard PayPal integration, PayPal Payments Pro, and Authorize.net and MiGS (Mastercard Internet Gateway Service, add-on only).


eShop is an accessible shopping cart plugin for WordPress, packed with various features.

– Utilises WordPress pages or posts, and compatible with custom post types, to create products
– Customers can sign up to your site (settable option)
– Various methods available for listing products
– Products can have multiple options
– Upload downloadable products
– Basic Statistics
– Download sales data
– Various shipping options, including by weight.
– Admin has access to an Order handling section
– Automatic emails on successful purchase
– User configurable email templates.
– Configurable Out of Stock message.
– Basic Stock Control
– Google Base Data creation
– Uninstall available within the plugin
– Various discount options
– WPMU, Multisite compatible.
– Merchant gateways:Authorize.net, Paypal, Payson, eProcessingNetwork, Webtopay, iDEAL and Cash/Cheque!
– Sales tax!
– Now compatible with WP Affiliate for affiliates – see wiki.
– Able to be used as a product catalogue with no sales.

Pro tento plugin „čeština ke stažení“:http://blog.stencek.com/wp-content/eshop-cs_CZ.zip od Jiřího Štencka.
„Ukázka »“:http://www.hodinkywenger.cz/
„Diplomová práce s případovou studií“:http://blog.stencek.com/wp-content/diplomka-wp-stencek.pdf pro e-shop hodinkywenger.cz.

„Další jazyky »“:http://quirm.net/forum/topic.php?id=2512

Umístění .po souboru s překladem: plugins/eshop/eshop-cs_CZ.mo

„Dokumentace »“:http://quirm.net/wiki/eshop/

**WP e-Commerce Plugin**

A robust WordPress plugin suitable for anyone who wants to start selling products, downloads or services online.


„7 Free ECommerce WordPress Plugins »“:http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/free-ecommerce-wordpress-plugins/