Vkládání Google map

**Google Maps made Simple**

Point, Click, Map. Build and insert Google Maps into your posts just as easily as you insert images. All WYSIWYG: no JavaScript, no XML, no coding at all.

– No API key needed
– New features
– Fast downloads: visitors to your blog only download one extra file from Google – nothing from you.
– Markers and custom icons
– Routing
– Map Controls
– Completely customizable size and alignment

Project Home, full instructions, and help: „http://www.wordpresspluginfu.com/wpgmappity/“:http://www.wordpresspluginfu.com/wpgmappity/

[* http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-gmappity-easy-google-maps/screenshot-1.png?r=370901 *]


**Google Maps for WordPress**

This plugin allows you to easily insert Google Maps into your blog, making use of the new shortCode system in WordPress 2.5. The maps can be configured to offer directions to or from the location, show or hide the zoom/pan controls, show/hide map type (street view, satellite, etc), activate zoom using mouse wheel, and more. PHP5 Required.

**MapPress Easy Google Maps**

MapPress adds an interactive map to the wordpress editing screens. When editing a post or page just enter any addresses you’d like to map.

The plugin will automatically insert a great-looking interactive map into your blog. Your readers can get directions right in your blog and you can even create custom HTML for the map markers (including pictures, links, etc.)

„Vyladění pomocí API »“:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203477/how-does-css-formatting-in-a-google-maps-bubble-work

**RomeLuv Google Maps**
„demo »“:http://www.romeluv.com/maps-plugin-testrun/

Google Maps on your blog, the easy way: every post can have an address. Instantly add a Map. Build then a category map. Ideal for mapping itineraries.
Map shows all the posts which have the address field filled.
Generates where you want a **Global Map with all the posts**, placing this global map in a standard WordPress Page via a simple shortcode. Vhodné např. pro zobrazení referencí.

**Basic Google Maps Placemark**

BGMP creates a custom post type for placemarks (markers) on a Google Map. The map is embedded into pages or posts using a shortcode, and there are settings to affect how it’s displayed. You can create markers that will show up on the map, and set their icons using the Featured Image meta box. When a marker is clicked on, a box will appear and show the marker’s title and description.

„How To: Add a Map to WordPress: Plugins, Examples & Advice“:http://wplift.com/how-to-add-a-map-to-wordpress-plugins-examples-advice

**Stellar Places**

Stellar Places is an intuitive plugin for easily creating, managing and displaying locations using Google Maps.

[* https://ps.w.org/stellar-places/assets/screenshot-3.png 630×280 *]