If you installed the wrong plugin (usually unsupported or mis-configured but also malicious plugins) and got the dreaded blank screen of death with errors, don’t panic. Even though the Admin panel may not work, there’s still a emergency solution by executing one simple query in the database.
Simply execute this SQL query (perhaps through PHPMyAdmin):
/—code php
// WP 2.9 and earlier
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = “ WHERE option_name = ‚active_plugins‘;
// WP 2.9 and later:
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = ‚a:0:{}‘ WHERE option_name = ‚active_plugins‘;
Alternatively, if it’s not possible to change the database, **you can also simply rename the /wp-content/plugins/ folder to disable all plugins**.
This will disable all plugins in the WordPress installation. Rename it back after.
You just have to go back and enable all the working plugins and deleting the non-functional one.