Maskování odkazů

**Link Cloaking**

This is a plugin for WordPress that can automatically or selectively cloak outgoing links in your posts and/or pages.

– Choose what to cloak – all links, only the links you specify or no links at all.
– Choose where to cloak – posts, pages or both.
– Exception list – links pointing to domains in this list will not be cloaked. For example, this is useful if you have chosen to cloak all links but don’t want to cloak the links to your own domains.

`Cloak Me`

Once you install the plugin, it will automatically, without requiring any configuration, turn it into a cloaked link when it’s displayed to a visitor:

`Cloak Me`

As an alternative to the fully automatic cloaking, you can switch the plugin to “selective cloaking” and tag the links you want to cloak manually:

`Cloak Me`


**WP Wizard Cloak**

Cloaks, tracks, and shortens your links. Turn long URLs into